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Section 1 - Advertisement Details

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Section 2- Candidate Details
Section 3 - Employment, Volunteering and other activities over past 5 years. Please provide details for all activities accounting for any gaps

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Section 4 - Ministerial and/or Public Appointments including previous IMB appointments
Is this your first Public Appointment?
Section 5 - Why do you want the role
Section 6 - Your Key Qualities
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Section 7 - Standalone Integrity - Independence

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Section 8 - Vetting Details
Are there any restictions on your continued residence or employment in the UK?
Do you have a valid passport?
Are you subject to immigration control?
Have you spent more than 6 months in total out of the UK in the last 3 years?
If you have answered yes to any of the last four questions please provide more information below
Section 9 - Conflict of Interest
Have you been involved with any charity or voluntary organisation providing services to the establishment that you are applying to?
If you have answered yes to any of the questions please provide more details below about the activities/conflict, providing any assurances that you think are appropriate.
Have you any educational links, past or present to the establishment you are applying to?
Do you know any individual (relative, friend or acquaintance) who works for HMPPS, MoJ or HO?
Do you know any other IMB member either at the establishment you are applying to or another one?
Section 10 - Convictions
Please read accompanying notes carefully before answering the following questions.
Community Sentences - Are you subject of a community order, a conditional discharge, or bound over, after being charged with any offence?
Actions Pending - Have you been charged with any offence that is still pending?
Have you ever received a caution or conditional caution?
If you have answered yes to any of the questions above please provide further information on the nature of the offence, location and date.  Please note that a previous criminal conviction does not mean your application will automatically be invalidated, in these circumstances the application will be reviewed further before a decision is made
Section 11 - Disablility Declaration
I consider myself to have a disability as defined under the Equality Act 2010
I would like to apply under the guarantee interview scheme?
Do you require any special arrangements to be made to enable you to attend or undertake a familiarisation visit or interview?
If successful at interview do you feel you would require any special arrangements to be made to support you in undertaking the monitoring role?
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